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This plugin makes a private server based on level, guid or ip address.

First the plugin checks if a player has a certain level at which he is allowed to connect, if the level is not reached it checks against two files with guids/ips (one guid/ip per line) and checks if connecting players is on one of those lists. If not, a message is displayed and the player kicked.



  1. Unzip the contents of this package into your B3 folder. It will place the .py file in b3/extplugins and the config file xml in your b3/extplugins/conf folder.

  2. Open the .xml file with your favorit editor and modify the settings if you want them different.

  3. Open your B3.xml file (in b3/conf) and add the next line in the section of the file:

<plugin name="privateserver" config="@b3/extplugins/conf/privateserver.xml"/>

  1. Place the guids.txt and ips.txt files in the b3/extplugins/conf folder, or modify the path to the file in layerrestricter.xml. Add the guids and/or ips to the appropriate files, one per line.

  2. Restart the bot